Discussions have started with Broxbourne on proposals to sell of land for residential development

No plans have been submitted to date; this is something that has been referred to in Lee Valley Regional Park Authority meetings.  It is understood that the LVRA has had early discussions with Broxbourne Council to discuss these proposals.


This is a significant change from the proposals discussed when the Leisure Pool was closed in 2008.


Previously, it was said that any development on the Leisure Pool Site should relate to “improved leisure and recreation” for the local community, as the site was seen to offer a unique opportunity in the Borough for leisure facilities and other community uses. 


Policy LV3 in the Local Plan provides for Broxbourne and the LRVA to update the 2008 Broxbourne Leisure Pool Development Brief but it has not yet been updated.   The Spitalbrook area opposite is the subject of Policy LV4 in the Local Plan, with the plan to reclaim this land, restore habitats, improve public access and connectivity including a network of foot and cycle paths (including the “missing link” between Nazeing New Road and Dobbs Weir Road, which would be of great benefit to the local community) and put in place leisure and recreation facilities including a visitor hub. 


Broxbourne’s stated objectives for the site were to protect the landscape of the LVRA and to regenerate and replace the leisure facilities and a degree of employment.  The 2008 Brief concluded in relation to housing that:


The site is highly constrained with a large area of the site falling within Flood Zones 3a and 3b which have a higher risk of flooding.  The site is also within the Metropolitan Green Belt and therefore an area highly constrained for housing development.  It is considered that a residential development would not act as a reasonable substitution for the loss of a community leisure use which also generated a degree of employment.  Due to this housing is considered unacceptable on this site.”  [Original emphasis]


We have written to the Council to remind it of its previous conclusions and some of the key issues with the site (not least, its ecological sensitivity, its status as green belt land, and the flooding risk.

25 May 2021

Lee Valley Park Authority proposes sale of some of former Lido land